Under Secretary to Govt. Sri Subash Chandra Nayak
Sri Sanat Barik(other)
Reply of RTI aplication of Sri Sanat Barik dated 19.08.2024
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Under Secretary to Govt. Sri Subash Chandra Nayak
Sri Sanyasi Gouda.(other)
Information on RTI application of Sri Sanyasi Gouda under section 6(3) of RTI Act, 2005
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Under Secretary to Govt. Sri Subash Chandra Nayak
Sri Himanshu Sekhar Mishra(other)
Supply of information on RTI application of Sri Himanshu Sekhar Mishra dated 21.06.2024
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Under Secretary to Govt. Sri Subash Chandra Nayak
Sri Tapan kumar Lenka(other)
RTI application of Sri Tapan Kumar Lenka
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Deputy Secretary to Govt. (Sri. Debi Prasad Mishra)
Ms. Prativa Bhuyan(other)
Supply of information on RTI application of Ms. Prativa Bhuyan dated 25.04.2024
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Deputy Secretary to Govt. (Sri. Debi Prasad Mishra)
The Administrative Officer, OUIDF(other)
Grievance Petition of Sri Nilakantha Das Dated 04.04.2024
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Deputy Secretary to Govt. (Sri. Debi Prasad Mishra)
jagat Ranjan behera (other)
RTI application of Sri Jagat Ranjan Behera
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Special Secretary to Govt. Ms. Sagarika Patnaik,IRPS
CEO, OMBADC(other)
Completion of partially executed items taken up under OMBADC funding
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Deputy Secretary to Govt. (Sri. Debi Prasad Mishra)
Sushanta kumar Biswal(other)
Transfer of RTI application of Sri Susanta Kumar Biswal
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AFA- cum -Deputy Secretary to Govt. Biswajit Prusty, OFS
AGA and E(Account General Odisha)
Sanction of Rs. 1,23,48,700/-(Rupees one crore twenty three lakh forty eight thousand seven hundred) only towards preparation of a rail based for MRTS Master Plan covering areas of Bhubaneswar and connecting the same to Khurda, Puri and Cuttack Cities.
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Addl. Secretary to Govt. (Sri Sushanta Kumar Mishra)
H and UD Dept - Town Planning Section(Departmental Sections)
Notification regarding appointment of SPA
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Addl. Secretary to Govt. (Sri Sushanta Kumar Mishra)
H and UD Dept - Town Planning Section(Departmental Sections)
Notification regarding Administrative Provision
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Addl. Secretary to Govt. (Sri Sushanta Kumar Mishra)
H and UD Dept - Town Planning Section(Departmental Sections)
Notification regrading enforcement of OTP and IT Act,1956
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Under.Secy.to Govt.(Sri Belalsen Behera)
HUD - EIC PH Urban Odisha(Chief Engineer)
Approval of draft counter affidavit regarding W.P(C) No.38128 of 2021-M/s Trans Organics India(P) Ltd-vrs-State of Odisha and others in connection with the workIntegrated sewerage System for VSS Medical College and Hospital Burla .
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Under.Secy.to Govt.(Sri Belalsen Behera)
HUD - EIC PH Urban Odisha(Chief Engineer)
Meeting Notice
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Under Secretary to Govt.(Sri Sishu Kujur)
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Publication of Tentative Gradation list of Under Secretaries in OSS Cadre.
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AFA-cum-Under Secretary to Govt. (Sri K. C. Panigrahi)
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submission of uc
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Joint Secretary to Govt.
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grievance petition
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